Our Town Marshal is looking to start a Neighborhood Watch Program which will be independent of the Town Council and run by Swayzee residents.
Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the participation of neighbors in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime, solve problems, and prevent crimes from occurring. What Neighborhood Watch requires is each citizen to become more aware of their own neighborhood by being alert and observant and to call the police immediately to report suspicious activity or crimes. The Neighborhood becomes the “eyes and ears” of the police department. WHAT ARE SOME BENEFITS OF STARTING A WATCH GROUP? Partnerships with law enforcement and your neighbors Reduction in crime Creates a greater sense of security and reduces fear of crime A more secure and better prepared neighborhood A more united community Builds bonds with neighbors, so people look out for one another TYPICAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING AGENDA Information sharing Report suspicious activity Discuss home security Property engraving/protection Task assignment
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The Town of Swayzee is applying for a grant in the amount of $700,000 to make improvements at the wastewater treatment plant and the sanitary sewer collection system. The Town is asking all Swayzee residents to complete a survey which will help us with our grant application!
October 2024